Studio 024™ 2 Big Little Campers

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Zac Suvalko
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    Jon Parlby
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Jason Hablous, Ash Moore
  • Client
    Big Little Campers

Roam without reason.

New Zealand’s tourism sector faced challenges, particularly in rural regions once thriving on international visitors. Recognising an opportunity, Big Little Campers initiated a brand refresh to revitalise their brand and promote tourism back to the regions and promote sustainable exploration in New Zealand. This aimed to promote regional areas, enhance environmental consciousness, and deepen cultural connections among travellers to New Zealand.

Our approach was comprehensive, starting with an analysis of market dynamics and competitors. The design strategy incorporated elements resonating with New Zealand’s unique natural beauty. We developed a colour palette inspired by the environment. The typeface, robust yet friendly, mirrored the New Zealand landscape and character.

The brand mark, conceptualised as the view from a vehicle’s wing mirror, symbolises forward movement and the ethos of leaving no trace—only memories. This created a distinct visual identity and reinforced the brand’s commitment to environmental stewardship. Every aspect of the brand refresh, from marketing materials to the physical design of the campers, was aligned with these core ideas.

Since the refresh, BLC has seen a significant increase in bookings. The new brand identity has driven increased social media engagement and enhanced brand loyalty. Feedback highlights appreciation for the brand’s commitment to sustainability and promoting local tourism. Culturally, BLC is encouraging more exploration of tNew Zealand to promote thriving rural economies and appreciation of the diverse landscapes Aotearoa can offer.

Overall, the Big Little Campers brand refresh has reinvigorated the company and contributed to the economic recovery of New Zealand tourism, environmental sustainability, and cultural enrichment in New Zealand. This project stands as an exciting new chapter to the New Zealand tourism sector.

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