Re 42 Snap Send Solve

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    Snap Send Solve

Ever come across a broken swing in your kid’s playground? Or a mattress blocking a footpath? What about a less-than-hygienic, much-needed public toilet on a road trip? It’s hard to know who to call to get things fixed. Or even when you do know, it’s easy to put it in the ‘I’ll do it later’ pile.

Enter Snap Send Solve, the app that makes it easy to notify the right people (like councils) about issues that need attention. Helping make shared spaces clean, safe, and great to be in.

With a passionate user base (they call them Snappers) and a stronghold on the Australian and New Zealand markets, in 2023 they saw an opportunity to expand. Snap Send Solve set its sights on becoming the chosen reporting tool app for big organisations like universities and hospitals. Both in Australia and New Zealand and down the track, in the USA too.

Our solution? A brand that’s synonymous with problem-solving. Heroing an animated hand mascot named Scout, the Snap Send Solve brand empowers people on both sides of a problem to chip in, lend a hand and do their bit for the shared spaces they love.

Since our brand rollout, Snap Send Solve has received more Snaps than ever. Here are some stats:

- 6,000 Snaps of illegal parking in 2024. A 61% increase from last year.

- New South Wales councils have received over 3,000 graffiti Snaps in 2024 so far. A significant 27% increase from last year.

- From January to March of 2024, Snap Send Solve received over 1,900 pothole Snaps. Following April’s heavy rains, that number increased by 153%. Nearly 90% of those Snaps have been Solved.

- Since partnering with Snap Send Solve Central Highland Water in Victoria has reached the significant milestone of receiving 1,000 Snaps.

“The achievement of 1000 Snaps isn’t just a number; it’s a testament to the power of community collaboration,” said Jeff Haydon, Central Highland Water’s Managing Director.