Small Brand Identity
Plato Creative 15 TINK Drinks
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Tim O'Neill, Amy Douglas
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Krystie Stewart, Morgan Coombes, Rachel Maisey -
Kaitautoko / Contributor
Dean Mackenzie -

Well hello there. We are Tink Drinks, and we're cut from more of a low-fi cloth. Good honest refreshment you might say, where 'best served chilled' isn't just a suggestion it's the way we roll out of the box. Speaking of roll, how bout that can label? Yep you can see the aluminium and everything, remember the DMC DeLorean? That was the coolest tin can on wheels, but we digress.
Anyway, who's it for? It's a seltzer so it doesn't pass judgement, but they're typically skewed towards the female demo. Dunno why, seltzers are easy going, natural and low guilt. Oh yeah that's us! Tink is for anyone looking for a chill time. Super casual kids (actually adults) that don't sacrifice on style...they're cool baby. If we had to describe the feel it's part 70s fashion magazine, part The Endless Summer film. We don't like to think we're on trend because being cool is timeless. Right Dad!
With Tink what you see is what you get, and if that's what you want from your mates then why not your drink of choice as well? It takes two to Tink, and we'll *tink* to that.