Milk 68 More Trees
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Sarah Melrose
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Anthony Hos
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Ben Reid, Eden Harris, Gemma Scott, Adeline Chua -
Kaitautoko / Contributor
Tom Crampin -
More Trees Ltd

How we helped save the world.
Anyone else around here know the amount of carbon their business is generating day to day?
Fortunately, someone does. Meet Nic Bishop, the entrepreneurial force behind More Trees.
If snack pellets were carbon, Nic would be Pacman - such is the obsession.
More Trees is the small kiwi business other small kiwi businesses turn to to help them grow their commercial feet while intelligently reducing their carbon footprint. Making good the idea that more can literally be less.
No-one said it would be easy though. Of all the compliance and regulatory obligations faced by businesses, emission calculations are the most complex to quantify and easiest to overlook (just ask a few world leaders and Governments). But change can start with tiny actions, so we set about creating an intricately crafted identity system for More Trees that was accessible and optimistic, and at the same time, one which spoke loud and clear to its audience.
Originally called Carbon Head Coach, we loved a name change to More Trees - a "tell it how it is", solution focussed call to action, visually evocative and simple to pronounce.
From this, we developed a distinctive organic tree-like symbol representative of natural growth and cloud forms and balanced it with a lower case sans serif (to help moderate any sense of dictatorial authority). The supporting colour palette is unmistakably a facsimile of nature, and our unique human-centric illustrations endorse the idea that reducing and managing carbon emissions should be a process more simplified and more easily assimilated. It is a human story after all.
More Trees doesn't waste any gas in conversation - “get to the point” messaging is emphatic with unambiguously bold and directive typography - assertive and empowering because we all know there’s no time to muck around on this one.
And because we all have enough data to process already, a customised dashboard of illustrated infographics and icons makes light work of sustainability and emissions performance, replacing the endless bar graphs and progress charts we all loved so dearly (thank you William Playfair of 1824).
After all that, who’d have thought that a small scale identity system could one day help save the earth from certain destruction?