FINE 10 More than Company

  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Cameron Tidy, Charlie Murray
  • Client
    More than Company

That age-old question; "how can we live a better life?". In a world dominated by pace, scrolling, and individualism, More Than Company exists to answer it - they design collective purpose to reimagine our modern lives.

More Than Company needed an identity that would allow their community and strategy platform to teach individuals, groups and companies how to meet, work and gather with more intention.

A long name posed visual challenges yet presented an opportunity to imagine the words moving about touchpoints, at times separating, at times coming together to gather like conscious people. The typeface selection and hierarchy delicately span the gap from an approachable pursuit of attention to the delivery of rational intellect. Colour and tactile production methodology create a sense of presence, letting the viewer focus and the education flow in a brand that is as comfortable sitting in front of a university board as it is on socials. The success of this project lies in its ability to merge these two worlds, doing it in a way that facilitates trust and conscious consumption of novel, evidence-based information.