Small Brand Identity

Daymark 10 St. Peter's School Cambridge

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Alexander Wastney
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Thomas Casey, Jackson Croucher, Charlotte Lowe, Jason Tiller
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Trevor Powell
  • Client
    St. Peter's Cambridge

Our strategy for the brand refresh was rooted in returning to the school's origins and revisiting the vision of the founder, Arthur Broadhurst. We leveraged the school’s founding motto, "Structa Saxo," meaning "built on a rock," which is derived from the Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders. This parable, which emphasises the importance of building on a strong foundation, resonated deeply with the school's mission of providing a robust and enduring education. By anchoring the brand in this historical depth and modern relevance, we ensured that the school’s identity was firmly established and consistently communicated.

The brand also needed to manifest spatially, influencing both the design of new buildings and the renovation of existing ones. These physical manifestations of the brand not only reflect the school's historical and architectural significance but also create an environment that fosters pride and elevated learning opportunities. This approach ensured that the brand was experienced holistically, from the visual identity to the physical spaces where students learn and grow.

The design merged historical elements with modern aesthetics. Anchored by a vision rich in historical references, we redefined these elements within a contemporary context. Key features included a commissioned owl crest by Trevor Powell, enhancing the school's emblem of wisdom with etched styling. The custom typographic wordmark, inspired by modified slab serif fonts, conveys strength and heritage.

The rebranding revitalised not only St. Peter's School’s identity but also its social and cultural fabric. Celebrating the school’s heritage fostered a renewed sense of pride and community cohesion. The design's integration with updated physical environments and historical significance bolstered the school's commitment to excellence and leadership development.