iceberg 6 5 years, 5 senses
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
David Bourke
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Thomas Lawlor, Harrison Sarsfield, Caroline Konarkowska, Jungie Choi, Martin O'Sullivan, Prue Fenwick, Jono Kemps, Sarah Aldworth, Emma Vivian, Suzanne Rapp

Five years ago, we had a big, bold idea. To create a series of Christmas gifts for our clients and partners based on the five senses. Something that we would hand-make every year. Not boring labels on wine bottles. Stuff we would actually make. In today’s world, it’s hard to stick with an idea for 5 minutes let alone five years. We’re just as surprised as anyone else that we stuck with it.
2016 - Taste
We hand-made cheese and wrapped it in a branded package to match our new agency.
2017 - Smell
We made a room scent. Not some off-the-shelf gunk, but a crafted aroma mixed and poured by our own hands. Then we got the paints out and had some fun with the packaging.
2018 - Touch
Nothing like the feeling of clay between the fingers, and nothing like receiving a hand-made dish as a Christmas gift. Sorry about the bad joke on the front. We couldn’t resist.
2019 - Sound
We made a record. An actual pressed vinyl of our own music and spent hours melting paint-filled ice cubes on a turntable just so we would have a great cover. This may never be topped.
2020 - Sight
Until now! Yes, Karma may have kind of copied us, but we had the idea first. It’s a carrot Kombucha to help you see in the dark. And by dark, we mean the dark times of lockdowns, Netflix and too much time with your family. The label is kinda ugly, but that’s the point. So was 2020.
Now that's over. What do we do now?