Concoction Better Bricks

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Tim Eggers
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
    Shannon Laugesen
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Sophia Dyer, Ella Wight, Jeremy Clark

During the Christmas season, a time traditionally associated with giving and compassion, we launched a project to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. Our project aimed to replace traditional corporate gifts with something more impactful: donations on behalf of our clients to a charity focused on housing issues in New Zealand. This initiative was designed to highlight and raise awareness about the plight of those in need, while also reflecting the values and generosity of our clients.

The strategy and concept behind the project were meticulously crafted to ensure depth of thinking and alignment with our core purpose. In addition to the donations, we wanted to offer clients something fun and educational to use over the summer holidays. We developed an educational card game inspired by the popular game Jenga, which tied into themes related to the charity's work involving bricks and buildings. This game was designed not only to entertain but also to educate players about the significance of the charity’s efforts in providing shelter and building communities.

Our strategy was compelling because it combined charitable giving with an engaging, tangible item that clients and their families could enjoy. This approach reinforced the charitable message while providing a memorable and enjoyable experience. The card game served as a physical reminder of the donation, fostering a deeper connection to the cause. By integrating the themes of building and community into the game, we created a strong idea that resonated with the charity's mission, making the project both impactful and meaningful.

The design expression and execution of our project were meticulously aligned with ‘The Why’ and ‘The Idea,’ showcasing inventiveness and progression. We created a box to house the elements of the 'Better Bricks' game, expanding on the theme of buildings and reflecting the charity's work. This visually compelling and crafted solution not only served as functional packaging but also reinforced the core message of building communities and providing shelter. We introduced a fun set of characters, including heroes and villains, to illustrate the problems and solutions related to housing in New Zealand. These characters brought the educational aspect of the game to life, making complex issues more relatable and engaging for players. The characters' designs were inventive and colorful, adding a dynamic visual appeal that captured attention and encouraged interaction.

To enhance the gameplay of Jenga, we created a suite of cards that made the game more fun and educational. These cards provided additional challenges and information, teaching players about the charity's work and the importance of secure housing. Each card was crafted to a high technical standard, ensuring durability and ease of use during gameplay.

This project elevates its impact by integrating elements that support social, cultural, environmental, and economic wellbeing. The Fact cards within the pack provide crucial information about the state of housing in New Zealand, shedding light on the challenges faced by many and highlighting the positive work being done by the charity. These cards serve as educational tools, raising awareness about housing issues and the charity’s efforts to address them.

Socially, the project fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility by encouraging players to learn about and engage with housing challenges. Culturally, it respects and reflects New Zealand’s unique context, making the issues more relatable and pressing for the players. From an environmental perspective, the project’s emphasis on sustainable housing solutions and community building aligns with broader goals of environmental sustainability. The game materials themselves are designed with durability in mind, reducing waste and promoting long-term use.

Economically, the project supports the charity by raising awareness and potentially increasing donations and support. By educating players about the charity's work, the project helps build a base of informed and engaged supporters who can contribute to the charity's financial stability and growth.

In essence, our project transformed the traditional corporate gifting practice into a socially and environmentally responsible act that highlights the spirit of giving, raises awareness, and fosters deeper client relationships. It entertains, educates, and inspires action, promoting wellbeing across multiple dimensions, making the holiday season more meaningful for everyone involved.