Alt Group 159 A Book Of One Liners

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Dean Poole
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Dean Poole, Janson Chau, Tim Gomez

How do you imbue the book with the same spirit as the content, and for the object itself to come across with the same sensibilities?

Can a book be humorous before you even flip open the cover?

This book is an experiment in humour and bookmaking—and the result of a fascination with wit where one line says it all.

If the heart of humour is in the setting and the breaking of expectations, this book is an exercise in contrasts.

Thin with a spine.

Hard cover for a four-centimetre-tall book block.

A Book of One Liners, screen-printed solemnly in white ink.

Each one liner set in Courier to suggest an author tapping away at a typewriter…