Studio South 83 Aalto

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Sam Southwell
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Mira Tekeda, Jeremy Hooper
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Toaki Okano, Luke Foley Martin

Aalto's packaging was ready for an upgrade. They wanted to improve the information hierarchy of their bucket and tin system, making it easier for customers to select from their range of products and finishes.

Building on the success of their original buckets, the brief from a company that values design and functionality was: ‘How can you make something great, even greater?’

The answer was to not reinvent the bucket but to enhance it in every way.

To quickly identify the six paint categories (interior, exterior, ceiling etc…), the buckets themselves were coloured. Close collaboration with multiple manufacturers was key in ensuring the buckets and lids were colour-matched. A rigorous process of technical testing and prototyping was carried out to achieve this, arriving at new full-colour buckets. Here Aalto continues to pioneer innovation, creating New Zealand's first paint buckets with coloured lids.

Space on the packaging was optimised to accommodate the expanded functional needs of the paint system. Rotating the logo vertically engineered more space to include larger type sizes and improved information labelling.