Richards Partners 2 Orca – Chasing Epic

  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
    Kyle Ranudo, Brian Richards
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Caroline Konarkowska
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Member
    Tommy Chin
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Agurtzane García, Diego Besné, Arrate Vidarte, Ander Lopez, Genes Diaz, Oscar Ramirez, Marcel Hilger, Dolorosa Estudio, Zhenya G. Townley, André Musgrove, Jacki Parry
  • Client

The refreshed brand strategy, visual identity, and content & marketing strategy all hinge on the evolution of Orca's brand essence from "killer instinct" to "chasing epic".

"Chasing epic" is about seeking the moments in life—in the ocean—that make us truly feel alive. Whether you're a triathlete, a freediver, an open-water swimmer, or a surfer, it acknowledges and empowers people to seek their own definition of "epic".