Milk 68 So Good
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Sarah Melrose
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Anthony Hos
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Ben Reid, Eden Harris, Kate Forsythe, Gemma Scott, Adeline Chua -
Kaitautoko / Contributor
Tom Crampin -
Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing Company

So Good is Australia and New Zealand’s leading plant-based milk brand. Although a pioneer in plant-based quality crafted milk, the brand needed a shake down and refresh. A shift in consumer values had led to an explosion in the category, where no rules were now the new rules. This resulted in new entrants and product alternatives, straying well outside the plant-based playbook, bringing new energy and colours, cheeky conversations and origin stories for a new consumer. So Good needed to make new connections and find its mojo.
Through research, we knew our advantages – best taste and texture delivered with our best in industry plant-based credentials. The answer was in the brand idea of 'Joy of the Moment', recapturing a feeling in a way that felt fresh, but familiar, at the same time. So Good moments to reset, to savour, of ‘me’ time, moments to share. The small things that bring us a daily sense of joy. The opportunity was to capture that positivity, the sense of good times that never go out of style, that tickle taste buds, and bring a smile. It was a new idea, a new heart, and a new ‘So’ centred lexicon for the brand.
‘The Joy of the Moment’ idea worked well in opening up new dimensions to the brand, building on existing good stuff, with a fresh take on the familiar - to stand out from the crowd, stand the test of time, but evolve with trends. We wanted to create a joyful, tasty, and textural identity that had both a playful attitude and lip-smacking deliciousness and dialling up the enticing variety of tastes and textures (one of the biggest barriers to non-dairy). The heart of the identity was the expressions built into the nature of the So Good name … more a joyful statement, and a love of all things natural than just a brand name.
The identity centred around plant based happy health, heroing the ‘So Good Leaf’ as a device that’s a source of joy, and seen as a trust mark. The leaf was extended out as a range of organic forms, to create a diverse flexible and expressive visual language, that can amplify moments, frame So Good pairings, or moments of joy. The core blue was contrasted by a new living green and milky cream – inspired by the vibrancy of life. Truly unique is ‘So Type’ – a typeface grown organically and specifically for the brand – letterforms with a plant-based goodness at the heart, a few quirks - smiley and approachable, flowing curves and smooth forms. The wider system was built with three photography styles that talk to the taste, texture, and joy of each moment. Iconography is warm and playful, with composition of all elements combining to create a tasty, joyful feeling where you can see the flavour, feel the creaminess, and love a joyful character. In essence, a joyfully refreshed and revitalised So Good – which is how we want people to feel.