Designworks 183 Robotics Plus

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Anzac Tasker
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    Mike Pepper
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
    Sam O'Flaherty
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Jef Wong, Liam Ooi (Senior Desinger), Oscar Thomas, Andrew Holder-Ross, Kathryn Cunningham, Jeannie Burnside, Tim Long, Nicky Lloyd, Jordan Popovich
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Steve Saunders, Alistair Scarfe, Penny Rae, Nathan Soich, Alexandra Allen, Vijay Patel, Fraser Bingham, Tom Crampin (WorkGroup), Nicholas Shackleton (WorkGroup), Swaytech
  • Client
    Robotics Plus

Around the world, there is immense pressure on farmers and agriculturalists to adapt and respond to global issues of food security and sustainability, while at the same time dealing with things like labour shortages and ever-changing environments.

Done right, technology and automation have the potential to solve this. But the problem is that “robots” are seen as the enemy, taking people’s jobs and taking the human or natural element out of what is produced.

Robotics Plus is a New Zealand-based company here to help farmers and agriculturalists thrive – not just survive. With this in mind, we were tasked with updating their brand in a way that would shift them from ‘startup’ mentality to a global brand with the capability to help agriculture adapt and evolve to solve global challenges. One that’s about creating better jobs (not replacing them) and better outcomes for all. Bringing credibility and humanity. Setting them apart as leaders and game changers.

We began with an idea that could set the brand apart, not just in what they do, but how they do it: Power to adapt. Highlighting how, in a dynamic and ever-changing world, Robotics Plus gives customers the power to adapt, to stay ahead of the pace of change, and to thrive – not just survive.

We developed a polished icon that represented this. That adapts to any environment, just as the products themselves to. Never one-size-fits-all. Crafted with sharp lines and curved edges to reflect the coming together of nature and technology, people and environment. This extends across a design system that brings together natural forms and engineered precision. Leading edge technology designed for natural environments. Building credibility while adding humanity. Simple and sleek. Efficient and effective.

We also developed a tone of voice centred around ‘plain spoken smarts’ as a way to stand out from all the tech jargon and better speak to customers. Reflecting how Robotics Plus know their stuff – but are not here to brag about it. They’re here to make it work in the real world. Simple as that.