Alt Group 159 Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Dean Poole
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Dean Poole, Clem Devine, Jinki Cambronero, Aaron Edwards, Ben Corban, Felicity Stevens, Katarina Mrsic -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Toaki Okano, David St George, Dean Poole, Ben Corban -
Auckland Art Gallery

Judge's comments:
The Auckland Art Gallery brand identity is an intelligent, bold interpretation that the judges felt really works. It remains coherent and strong and resists the temptation to go too far, or become too complex. It complements the exhibited artworks in the gallery, rather than competing with them. The various applications of typography form a singular visual language, rather than just a logotype with messages and imagery attached. The typography is also used decoratively in the way of tukutuku panels and the use of red, black and white, distinctly Maori. From simple distilled messages to comprehensive storytelling and humour, across posters and publications, online, apparel and environmental graphics, the brand has a multiplicity and versatility. Altogether a proudly Auckland, New Zealand solution to an international art gallery brand identity challenge that contributes significantly to the gallery visitor experience.