Large Brand Identity

Designworks Tiaki - Care for New Zealand Large Brand Identity / Cultural

Designworks VNZMA Large Brand Identity / Cultural

Extended Whānau Tāmaki Makaurau UNESCO Pā Puoro Auckland UNESCO City of Music Large Brand Identity / Cultural

Houston Charles Sturt University Rebrand Large Brand Identity / Commercial

For The People, Sons & Co. West Coast Tasmania Large Brand Identity / Cultural

Landor, Marco Palmieri Petbarn Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Osborne Shiwan Deadly Ponies Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Frost*collective muSEAum Large Brand Identity / Cultural

Stanley St Putting Aotearoa back into New Zealand Police Large Brand Identity / Cultural

Studio South UnserHaus Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Designworks COLORSTEEL® Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Designworks Movio Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Fuman Hummingbird Coffee Roasters Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Make Collective Wayfare Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Novo Strategic Advertising & Design Lincoln University Brand Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Round Orchestrating place with QICGRE Large Brand Identity / Commercial

Milk Hyoumankind Large Brand Identity / Commercial

iceberg Cornwall Park Large Brand Identity / Cultural