Warren and Mahoney Architects 86 Callaghan Innovation

  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Simon Hardy, Llewelyn Griffiths, Seth Trocio, Jayson Urlich, Justin Crook, Sam Harris
  • Client
    Callaghan Innovation

Callaghan Innovation's newly refurbished Library Building is designed to provide flexible, modern workspaces while serving as a hub for the Gracefield Precinct. This project aims to create a space that embodies Callaghan Innovation's mission of fostering innovation, creativity, and resilience through diverse skills and collaborative partnerships. The refurbishment highlights the building's heritage as a research library while promoting the continuous creation and sharing of knowledge. Additionally, the project focuses on reducing carbon emissions through adaptive reuse and circular design, reinforcing Callaghan Innovation's commitment to technological advancements and societal growth.

The central concept for this project is inspired by the metaphor of harakeke (flax) weaving, which symbolises the intertwining of people and their collective skills to create solid and resilient outcomes. This metaphor aptly reflects Callaghan Innovation's mission of bringing together diverse talents to foster innovation. The strategy was to celebrate the "Kete o te wānanga" or baskets of knowledge, acknowledging both the historical significance of the building and its future role as a centre of innovation. The whakataukī (proverb) "Hūtia te rito o te harakeke, kei hea te kōmako e kō?" underscores the importance of people in this endeavour, reinforcing the project's human-centred approach.

Culturally, the design honours Māori traditions and values, promoting cultural awareness and respect. Central to these values is the use of sustainable materials and design practices, reflecting a commitment to environmental stewardship. This ensures the building serves as a model for sustainable development. By opting for the adaptive reuse of the existing structure and envelope, the project has an embodied footprint 10 times smaller than a new build. Additionally, the material selections saved 156,000 kgCO2 which reduced the embodied carbon by 51% in the impact from the fitout. This exceeds expectations for a modern innovation hub and positions Callaghan Innovation at the forefront of transformative change.