Environmental Graphics

Seachange Supertrash — Make some noise Environmental Graphics

Harley Johnston Design Bang Bang Environmental Graphics

Studio South UnserHaus Auckland Showspace Environmental Graphics

Extended Whānau Taipari Taitimu Environmental Graphics

Stanley St Putting Aotearoa back into New Zealand Police stations Environmental Graphics

Special Group Uber Eats Shark Bait Environmental Graphics

Studio Bland The Calile Hotel Environmental Graphics

MAKEBARDO Queenstown Airport Wayfinding System Environmental Graphics

Wellington City Council Creative and Brand team Arapaki Manners Library & Service Centre Environmental Graphics

Maynard Aotea – Te Pokapū Environmental Graphics

UnsworthShepherd Star Mountain Plaza Cultural Trail Environmental Graphics

UnsworthShepherd Star Mountain Plaza Wayfinding Environmental Graphics

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Te Taiao | Nature Environmental Graphics