Here 3 AKIN 30 Hannah Small Extended Whānau 51 Studio Catherine Griffiths 9 Kelcy Taratoa Son La Pham Duncan Munro 2 Ann Shelton Here 01—07
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Simon Farrell-Green, Sarah Gladwell
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Emma Kaniuk, Tana Mitchell, Hannah Small, Tyrone Ohia, Rob Lewis, Catherine Griffiths, Kelcy Taratoa, Son La Pham, Duncan Munro, Ann Shelton
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Hannah Kidd, Jo Bates, Rochelle Rodrigues -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Karolina Lutkiewicz, Simon Devitt, Sam Hartnett, David Straight, Kahn Drain, Sjoerd Langeveld, Patrick Reynolds, Jackie Meiring, Simon Wilson -
SFG Media

We started a magazine in a pandemic lockdown, after most of the titles in the category closed. We felt the loss of these brands, and our jobs, keenly.
Then we sensed an opportunity to do it better.
It's about New Zealand architecture – specifically, its houses. It’s about what it’s like to live here, in Aotearoa, at the bottom of the world. It’s optimistic and thoughtful: we eschew the disposable and trend-driven in favour of design-driven solutions that last.
The magazine is different to previous titles in its category, with a focus on fresh, new ideas and emerging talent. We believe small can be designed well. We are deliberately accessible and we like a mix of the quirky and the novel, the humble and the luxurious.
The magazine comes out six times a year. Each issue, we show off beautiful homes, talk about their design and how they came to be. It might be a little cabin in the bush on the west coast, or it might be a luxurious city house.
The first issue of the magazine was designed and produced during the last weeks of lockdown and in the early days of level 2 last year; the magazine was released on June 22, a few weeks after the country emerged blinking into the daylight, working out what this strange new post-Covid landscape looked like.
Since then, we have produced seven magazines, each with a different guest creative or art director, who have included some of the country's best creatives, artists, typographers and designers.
Judge's comments:
We loved the original system in every issue. The creative collaborations bring a sense of warmth and flare to the architecture which feels really original. A well-established identity in the category which gives the magazine its own unique voice.