WorkGroup 6 Asona

  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Ethan Lowe, Milk NZ
  • Client

Asona, an acoustics engineering company, has a strong reputation in the industry, a great story, and a unique product range. In a world of outsourcing and obfuscation, they are unique in that they are committed to local manufacturing, innovation, great products and services, and improving building interiors to benefit people and the environments we inhabit. Our task was to create a range of visual pieces to accompany a visual rebrand that sheds light on the quiet yet hardworking materials they create.
Amplifying Asona's total commitment to creating beautifully engineered quality and unique products that set them apart from the rest. Grounding the work with hyper-realistic representations of their product and abstracting how they move and shift, allows us to communicate the feeling and magic they bring to a space. Visualising the feeling of how sound affects how we feel and what we do.

By 3D rendering and animating Asona’s range of beautifully considered products - we aimed to communicate a deeper connection to sound and the unassuming magic that their product line provides. Creating a variety of scenes that showcase Asona's wide range of solutions, each product has its own voice, whilst connecting it to how the materials impact ourselves and the spaces we inhabit. Pairing highly detailed materials/textures with abstract movement allows one to delve deeper into the unique offering Asona provides whilst also delving deeper into the use case for each product. Perforations gently imprint into wood material as the light slowly passes over the panel, showcasing its sophisticated yet beautiful aesthetic, while leveling tiles shift into each other till they become one seamless surface, showcasing its subtle yet profound effect on acoustically treating a space.
Visual metaphors are applied through 3D renders, demonstrating both the flexibility and possibility of what can be achieved with Asona’s unique range. The work elevates products beyond their pure composition and more to a study of what can be achieved aesthetically.