Stanley St 7 Film Three Sixty Auckland Philharmonia – Moving Music

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Nathan Chambers
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
    Cécile Henson, Oliver Sealy
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Nathan Chambers, Sam Cox
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Luke Harvey, Victoria Millan, Adam Brami, Aarush David, Farin Dickinson, Maria Lokshina, Ollie van Lent, James McHoull, Océon Grady
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Tilt Digital, Insight Creative, Stuart Angel, Barbara Glaser, Francesca McGeorge, Tracey Holdsworth, MakeReady, Adrian Malloch
  • Client
    Auckland Philharmonia

With the launch of The Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra’s new name and brand platform, the time had come to evolve the entire identity. The goal was to stay true to the core magic of music in a way that transcends generational audiences, all encompassed by the line, ‘moving music’.

The Why: Increasingly, Aucklanders weren’t seeing the Auckland Philharmonia as relevant to the city’s music scene. While there is still a strong older contingent of fans, the current branding felt uninspiring to the under 35s.

Idea: Music at its core, is about movement. It is the movement of the instrument and the person playing it that creates the sound waves that move through the air and then through us, the listener - creating music that moves us emotionally.

With a digitally-led campaign, we created a vibrant system that places the Auckland Philharmonia comfortably in the dynamic advertising landscape the younger generation is used to, while re-inspiring the lifelong fans.

The Design: We took the brand promise of “Let Us Move You” and turned it into the creative expression “Moving Music”.

With the curves of Tāmaki Makaurau as our backdrop, and the movement of sound waves as our inspiration, we created a campaign that has movement at the center of every touchpoint.

A simple typographic word mark inspired by musical notes and the movement of sound waves acts as our musical constant in even the smallest of moments, while an emphasis on colourful light waves denotes the movement of sound, emotion, light and air. The rich, warm colour palette reflects both the city and the orchestra reflecting the time when the Auckland Philharmonia comes alive, at night.

Photography captures movement all shot in frame; using light and slow shutter speed to create multiple layers and a sense of movement even when nothing is moving. A striking visual metaphor for the celebration of music The Auckland Philharmonia is keeping alive.