Moves 2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Nova Micro™ Mask

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Toaki Okano, The Collective Force
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Kyle Stoffberg
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Member
    Claudia Miller

In the past, sleep apnea devices have tended to be large, loud and uncomfortable. Even though we’re beginning to understand how serious the condition can be, the bulkiness of the tech have often been a barrier to sleep apnea sufferers.

On top of that, advertising and promotion of sleep apnea devices tends to focus on the science. That means overly technical language, exploded views showing the mechanical interior, and sterile visuals on bright white backgrounds – not exactly the kind of device you want to curl up in bed with to get a good night’s sleep.

But Fisher & Paykel Healthcare's new product, the F&P Nova Micro™ mask, is their smallest and lightest sleep apnea mask yet. We needed to create a promotional video that put the person back at the centre of it all.

We started with a calm nighttime environment – it’s a product to be used when you’re sleeping, after all. The filmed footage uses gentle beams of light to signify technology in action, so no exploded diagrams needed.

3D models were used for closeups of the product, as well as for angles that were impossible to capture on set. Extra time and care was taken to craft the curves and textures of the 3D mask, ensuring it looked realistic, lightweight and comfortable. We integrated 3D elements seamlessly with the filmed footage by matching light passes.

The 3D mask and filmed footage worked together to showcase the Nova Micro Mask in a way that hasn’t been seen before. Presenting the product not as a device for a patient, but as a device for a person.