misterwolf 12 Red Moki

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Blake Enting
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    Derek Lockwood
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Blake Enting
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Cassidy van Dyk
  • Client
    Red Moki

ServiceNow is a global cloud computing platform that helps enterprise-scale companies manage digital workflows. Their platform provides a vast, complex array of software options. Finding and optimising the right solution for your specific business can therefore be a significant challenge – introducing Red Moki.

Red Moki is not your typical technology services provider. They are an elite ServiceNow technology specialist creating tailored, flexible solutions that drive business transformation. They partner with businesses to ensure their software needs continue to evolve at the same speed their businesses do.

The challenge with complex software services is making them understandable and tangible, while avoiding traditional metaphoric business photography or illustrations – something that is almost ubiquitous across this industry. Red Moki wanted to avoid these pitfalls, create a premium proposition, and standout in the Australasian market.

The visual metaphor selected to communicate their business benefit is the modular block – ServiceNow is an ocean of digital software blocks, and Red Moki is the curator, seeking, selecting and tailoring the blocks you specifically need.

The blocks provide a simple, unifying visual (and verbal) language for the brand, and a flexible graphic system in both static and animation across all touchpoints.

To create the sense of software variation within a modular system, the blocks were given different sizes, colours, textures and transparency. Some blocks had holes, a link back to the logo and the eye of the fish. The blocks animate, sliding against one another, reshuffling and adapting as a customers’ business changes. The white gold metallic block is special, this represents the core Red Moki IP, the base system on which all client solutions are formed.

On the website, animated blocks using an “on-scroll” technique allow users to control the speed of movement. Supporting copy is revealed to explain the benefit I.e. transformation, tailoring etc. These animations are supported by a range of static crops on headers.

Visual assets were used across web and direct B2B business sales tools.