Marx Design 65 Loving Earth
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Ryan Marx, Tristan O'Shannessy
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Manuel Payan
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Lydia Harden-Bull, Samantha Bulkeley, Nicola Kearns -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Yuki Sato, Drew Robertson -
Loving Earth

Based in Melbourne, Loving Earth has been creating delicious chocolate since 2007 with a vision to produce chocolate that is healthy, sustainable, and fair for all of those involved from grower to consumer. Loving Earth takes the manufacturing of the products they develop back to the indigenous communities who grow and process the raw materials, thereby adding more value to their work and increasing the revenue they can generate for their families. You could say they were one of the OG pioneers in doing business the right way.
Thankfully, there has been a slow but welcomed movement with more companies delivering on fair trade and sustainable practises. This has driven a need for a new brand experience for Loving Earth, beyond their foundation of excellent ethics.
With their new packaging we set out to illustrate the chocolate experience: the cravings, the rush, and the indulgence. Our plan: can we use colour and illustration to communicate taste, flavour, smoothness, creaminess, tang, and texture? We explored the idea of Synaesthesia, a neurological condition in which information meant to stimulate one of your senses stimulates several of your senses. We also looked at the abstract realm of chemical reactions the brain triggers through serotonin and dopamine. We combined those two ideas to create a visual system: layers of gracefully illustrated gradients of colours creating a visual representation of flavour and emotion.
The crafted illustrations offer a glimpse into how we interpret the brains response to these feelings, beautifully printed on uncoated stock and matching colour cues from the recognisable ingredients. The system is infinitely expandable as more flavours join the line-up.
The result is a collection of chocolate bars, rich in both colour and flavour, breaking through a category filled with clutter and noise. Loving Earth has moved on from just a ‘treat’, it has become a standout product with great values and a promise to deliver a sensory indulgence.