Federation 4 Steely Stan

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Brad Collett
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Opeta Elika
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
    Bobbie McKay
  • Client
    KiwiRail and TrackSAFE

Kiwis are complacent around railway tracks. With near misses on the rise, KiwiRail needed to introduce real behaviour change – to convince Kiwis to see trains, not just look.

We’re much more likely to do the right thing if we think someone is watching. So, we introduced Steely Stan, an imposing horse-bound commuter who appears at rail crossings, encouraging commuters to take a steely stare – to the right and the left – before crossing.

In large scale OOH, we used design and placement to ensure our audience had to physically move their eyes in both directions, encouraging the behaviour needed at rail crossings.

We brought the Wild West to life through graphic comic book illustrations. Colourful and dynamic, these illustrations stood out from the traditional (often very bland) Government messages.

The impact of this Steely Stan design was significant: a 100% decrease in vehicle collisions at level crossings.
By transforming a serious safety message into an engaging campaign, we successfully brought about real behavior change.
When Steely’s watching, you’d be foolish not to do the right thing.