Daylight 20 The Forest of Opportunity

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Charlie Godinet
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Leads
    Chelsea Knowles, Scott Moyes
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Ezra Whittaker, Renee Jacobi, Jade Paynter, Melina Fiolitakis, Kristen Morris, Indivar Kumar, Antalya Atkinson
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Big Pop Studios
  • Client
    Spark Foundation

Spark Foundation’s vision is that no one in Aotearoa is left behind in a digital world,
dedicating itself to initatives that work towards an equitable future. However, a recent National Economics and Research Association report revealed the severity of our digital divide, finding 1 in 5 New Zealanders currently lack the digital necessities they need to thrive.

To highlight this compounding issue, Spark Foundation needed a way to educate the people and business of Aotearoa on both the problem and the steps toward a solution.

Introducing, ‘The Forest of Opportunity’ — an educational toolkit that unpacks digital inequity and inspires meaningful change. Set in a beautifully illustrated native forest, the core narrative is centered around the idea that ‘the deeper your digital roots go, the further you’ll climb’.

Featuring over 200,000 brush strokes, this dense forest was crafted frame-by-frame, with hand-drawn illustrations to build layers of meaning into the experience. Native flora and fauna are used as key storytelling devices, helping to breakdown core and often complex concepts and symbolising the soaring highs we can reach through better access.

This illustrative toolkit is comprised of many components that aid Spark Foundation in their everyday fight against the digital divide. From stunning presentation slides for enterprise-level boardrooms and mass speaker events, through to educational films, website and social content.

The mission now is to walk as many New Zealanders and businesses through this forest as possible, equipping them with the understanding and knowledge they need to get involved in helping solve this important problem.