Curative 23 Te Rourou – Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Eddy Royal, Logan Bradley
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Member
Nicole Streeter -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Siew May Khoo, Jay Septimo -
Te Rourou – Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation

Te Rourou (Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation) started writing their story two decades ago when Vodafone established their charitable Foundation.
As the Foundation moved towards celebrating its milestone of 20 years supporting communities across Aotearoa, we were tasked with encouraging a greater connection and active engagement between Vodafone staff and the mission of the Foundation. The goal was to help build pride in how their work contributes to achieving significant change in Aotearoa.
Te Rourou has an ambitious goal to halve the number of excluded and disadvantaged young people in Aotearoa, and have targeted their investment and support in a number of ways over the years.
Through our work, we set out to highlight the unique strengths of the Foundation, furthering the positioning of Te Rourou as an influential leader, partner and supporter within the community.
The storytelling was sequenced over 7 chapters; each released individually, and then woven together to mark the 20 year milestone through an interactive microsite which takes you on a journey of the mahi of Te Rourou.
We chose Illustration as the key visual style to help us tell the this story, allowing us to traverse worlds, visually articulate ideas and paint a picture of the foundation’s vision for the future.
The illustration style developed uses a flat graphic approach with a mixture of textural elements and gestural flourishes that lead the viewer through the various narratives. This aesthetic helped create an imaginative, playful and sometimes more human tone for what could sometimes be viewed as a purely corporate entity.
The style also relied on an imperfect touch to help reflect the imperfect world that the foundation operates within. Just as the foundation is continuing to write their own story, the style gives the sense that the picture is still being drawn, that the futures are still to be told.
Initially conceived as largely internal communication material, the story’s of the Foundation are now shown in Vodafone’s retail stores across the country, demonstrating the commitment and pride across the business to contributing to significant positive social impact in Aotearoa.