Colenso BBDO 79 Match Photographers Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand The Survivors Collection

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Nick Worthington, Maria Devereux, Kim Ragan
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Emily Osborne, Henry Wall, Angela Watson, Tymon Rackley, Abbi Barker, Steven Boniface, Evangelia Henderson, Kim Barker, Serena Fountain-Jones, Sarah Cooper, Natalie Clements, Jason King, Daniel Sian, Shona Kelway, Anete Smith, Kelly McDiarmid, Pete Ritchie
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Auckland Art Gallery / Tamarind Swann, Sixty Four, Match Photographers
  • Client
    Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand
Judge's comments:

Inspirational, amazing, confronting and at the same time delivered with beauty, care and intelligence.