The Tuesday Club 16 The Driest July

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Nick Worthington
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
    Nick Worthington, Billy Worthington
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Matt Oak, Billy Worthington
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Leads
    Nick Worthington, Billy Worthington
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Frith Armstrong, Dave Brady
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    InHouse Design, We Are New Ground, Steven Fernandez, Simon Turner, Millie Sykes Creative, Boxcutter, Mike Hammond, Mason Bennett, Milon Williams, Millie Sykes, Lisa King, Max Lawton, Will Kim, James Hurman
  • Client
    AF Drinks

We are on a mission to make not-drinking cool AF.

July 2024 is set to be the driest July in history.

And we are not just talking about the summer in the northern hemisphere, we’re talking about Dry July and the rise of the sober-curious movement and the shift away from full strength alcohol to no and low.

AF Drinks’ purpose is to reduce the alcohol in people, and, as more people join the move to no and low, we are aiming to make July the driest in history in both hemispheres by sending two Lucky AF customers to the actual driest place on earth. Where we’ll make sure it stays Dry AF by providing an endless supply of alcohol-free cocktails for the trip.

To kick off the campaign we sent a social influencer and her partner on the road trip in Death Valley to document the trip and share their stories with their followers and the followers of AF and invite them to try AF through Dry July and be in to win. The imagery from the trip then made its way across outdoor, instore, social and film.

Dry July was the perfect time to get more people to try a no or low lifestyle. While there is massive cultural pressure to consume alcohol in most social situations, Lisa King’s mission as a social entrepreneur is to provide delicious alternatives to classic alcoholic cocktails that make the choice to ‘not drink’ cooler than ‘drinking’. Reducing the alcohol in people and giving people credible alternatives in any social situation may begin to reverse the negative effects of alcohol on people and society.