The Tuesday Club 9 AF Drinks

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Nick Worthington
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Arch MacDonnell
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Billy Worthington, Frith Armstrong
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Thomas Asche, Matt Johns, Kris Teale, James Hurman
  • Client
    AF Drinks

AF stands for Alcohol Free, it also means As Fuck.

We took the two letters and their dual meaning to create a new Alcohol-free beverage brand ‘Curious AF ‘which simultaneously celebrated both the benefits of living a sober curious life while also being as irreverent AF .

Alcohol-free drinks are the fastest growing category in beverages, Sober curious people were looking for alternatives to alcohol but finding it difficult to find something decent to drink, and even harder to find something that had the sophistication and adult appeal of their favourite alcohol brands.

AF is a brand and an attitude all in the name.

The name provided our tone of voice and our product descriptor allowing us to use AF as the functional product attribute of alcohol-free products and to embrace the #coolAF and #Interesting AF emerging world of the sober curious.