Sussudio Laugher
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Steve Grant
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Lauren Whitney, Chris King, The team @ NZ Comedy Trust, Matt Kristofski, Lucy Aitchison, Lucy Armstrong -
NZ International Comedy Festival x Parrotdog

The NZ International Comedy Festival is an annual event celebrating the best of NZ comedy and bringing anyone and everyone together to share a good laugh – because laughter is the best medicine.
With the 2024 festival coming up, the team at Parrotdog came to the party as key sponsor and kindly whipped up a one-of-a-kind lager, especially for the occasion.
The challenge for us was to name it, package it, promote it (and maybe help drink it). That meant designing a new bespoke beer brand built around the partnership between Comedy Fest and Parrotdog – capturing the character of both and celebrating the collaboration around this event. The best in NZ beer helping celebrate the best in Kiwi comedy. Coming together – and bringing other people together – to share a beer and enjoy a few laughs.
Laughter. Lager. Bring ‘em together. And you get Laugher.
See what we did there?
Pretty simple, really. The essence of the NZ International Comedy Festival and Parrotdog beer, shoehorned into a portmanteau that works as an idea, a name, a simple accessible theme because they’re pretty much made for each other.
This was the name (and idea) that drove the approach to copy and design. A bit of a laugh, but not taking the p*ss. Super positive. Not dwelling on the drinking, but brightening up the occasion and bringing people together in the belief that the simple act of sharing laughter can create lasting bonds and build a sense of community.
Because that’s the cool thing about comedy. Everyone can find something to enjoy and laugh about, regardless of individual differences. Laughter is the common thread that binds our audience together. Shared laughter creates an immediate connection and an atmosphere where people can revel in good company and a good laugh.
Good Company + A Good Laugh = Good Times.
Makes sense, right?
Yellow cans. Big type. Some little type. Easy to spot. Nice to read. Hard to forget.
Name front and centre. With an explanation just in case anyone doesn’t get it. (Surely not, right?).
Playfully positive language that nods to the character of both brands and clearly emphasises the essence of the event. In particular, the oversized footnote that turns the traditional technical Ts and Cs that no one reads into something that captures the vibes of the collaboration - and, if we may say so ourselves – makes reading packaging a little more enjoyable.
A perfect blend of the NZ International Comedy Festival and Parrotdog brands (which is actually quite a tricky balance to find, mind you). Bringing the best bits of both that best amplify the essence of capturing a tasty beer and comedy, in a can. Making it feel like a seamless collab – so that when people see this in the fridge it just makes sense.
A pleasure to hold in your hand while you cackle away to the festival’s best comedy. Adding to and amplifying the event, not detracting from it. Enough to intrigue, not enough to distract or confuse.
All about good laughs and good times.
How do you promote beer without promoting drinking?
The simplest thing would have been to fall into the trap of treating this beer as an avenue into amplifying the event. That by drinking a few of these you’ll have more fun. But we wouldn’t do that. And anyway, it’s not the case.
This was all about using the vehicle of people coming together around comedy to celebrate the fundamental goodness and positivity of laughter – made better when it’s shared. Connecting the dots of the collaboration by focusing in on the core character that connects the two partners.
As for proof of how it performed… well, let’s just say that like most of the shows at the NZ International Comedy Festival this year, it was a sellout.