McCarthy 114 Greater Christchurch 2050
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Matt Kitto, Stephen McCarthy
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Richard M. Burson, Stefan Downs
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Member
Joel Kitto -
Greater Christchurch Partnership

The Greater Christchurch Partnership tasked us with creating a dynamic identity system. A wide-range of questions broken into six categories seeks to understand the community’s aspirations for the region’s future. The Greater Christchurch 2050 plan will then describe the kind of place we want for our future generations, and the actions we need to take over the next 30 years to make it happen.
Large dynamic eyes hero the identity, seeking vision for the year 2050 that they are housed within. Joining with the playful nature of this motif is a range of future-focused illustrations, each forecasting a unique perspective of tomorrow. The vibrant colour palette and lively animations demand attention, with digital applications helping to create discussion and response to the partnership’s questions.
Having received thousands of viewpoints as a result of the campaign, Greater Christchurch now have a vision for what the people want to see for their future.