Playground Creative Pty Ltd 2 Melbourne Prize for Sculpture

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Sally Dobell

Established in 2005, the Melbourne Prize publicly recognises and rewards creative talent. In 2023, the Prize centred around Sculpture, serving as a celebration and platform for sculptors to showcase their work. We were tasked with creating the 2023 Melbourne Prize for Sculpture brand identity. It needed to be refreshingly different from previous years and speak specifically to sculpture in all its unique forms. Used across a range of mediums, the design needed to be simple yet captivating, delivering its message quickly and clearly, while creating intrigue and drawing people in to learn more.

Sculptures, whether abstract or representational, large or small, have the ability to open our minds to new experiences, perspectives, and cultures. Our concept, "Transforming Spaces and Activating Lands," was born out of the disruptive beauty that one experiences when encountering sculpture in daily life. Sculpture stands out, offering reprieve in the urban environment and inviting us to see the world with new eyes.

For this concept, PLAYGROUND sought to represent built form using 3D. Angled lines and perspective play with seemingly flat surfaces, creating new viewpoints that jump off the 2D surface. The vibrant colour gradients soften the hard lines, adding depth to the design and reflecting the layers of thought that go into each piece of art.

Our concept allowed us to push the boundaries of creativity, introducing hypnotic angles and colours to capture the essence of sculpture in unexpected ways.