WOODS Agency 28 Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Phil Harris
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Sara Keranen-Gramner
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Stephen Finnegan, Danelle Bourgeois, Luke Thompson, Kirsten Ogden -
Kaitautoko / Contributor
Lynley McDonald -
Western Bay Of Plenty District Council

As one of New Zealand’s most progressive councils, the Western Bay of Plenty’s identity – designed in 1989 – was out of touch with where they wanted to go. We partnered with them on their first proper brand redesign in over 30 years.
Colour was central to the new identity, not only adding vibrancy, but helping to differentiate between the various wards within the wider district. Each colour palette was chosen to best represent the people of each ward, with purple for the Kaimai sunset, blue for the Waihi ocean, and red for Te Puke pohutukawa. The result is a cohesive brand that is timeless and flexible, simple and engaging.