Seven 25 Paint It Strange
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Gideon Keith
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
James Powell
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Carly Johnson, James Powell, Gideon Keith -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Rebekah Hasloch, William Cullen, Mark Smith -
PPG Paints

Using a palette of 10 colours, one created by each artist, we created a visually arresting campaign that captured the exuberance of our young artists’ colour choices.
The challenge was to link music to colour, and create a clear cohesive campaign that heroed PPG Paint’s brand, through a musical collaboration…
…and also profiled 10 artists, their songs, their colours, the charitable organisation they belong to, AND sold paint. A complex messaging hierarchy and design challenge.