Here 3 AKIN 30 Hannah Small Extended Whānau 51 Studio Catherine Griffiths 9 Kelcy Taratoa Son La Pham Duncan Munro 2 Journey 20 Here
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Simon Farrell-Green, Sarah Gladwell
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Emma Kaniuk, Tana Mitchell, Hannah Small, Tyrone Ohia, Rob Lewis, Catherine Griffiths, Kelcy Taratoa, Son La Pham, Duncan Munro, Ann Shelton
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Hannah Kidd, Jo Bates, Rochelle Rodrigues -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Eilish Out-O'Reilly, Harry Burt -
SFG Media

When all the magazines in a category close, what do you do? You start a magazine about architecture while you're in lockdown.
Because something seems to have changed – hell, because you have changed – you set out to do things a little differently.
We didn't it to be white and black and tasteful. We wanted it to be expressive, joyful and fun – we wanted to give people hope in a period that felt sometimes very bleak.
We wanted it to recognise that people live differently now, and that they are ready for colour again – both in the houses we chose (not always an easy things with New Zealanders, but we're getting there) and definitely in the way we designed the magazine.