Saturday 6 Moana Integrated Report 2020
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
David Storey
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Hannah Morris, Janine Parkinson, Gina Wolfgramm, Guy Whateley -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Simon Jackson, Kristian Frires -

Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa | Every challenge is an opportunity for us to grow
Covid-19 hit Moana New Zealand hard. Yet, despite the impact on profitability, many great things came out of the challenging times. Opportunities were identified and seized, innovation came to the fore and the business worked hard to recover stronger than ever. Our job was to communicate this positive take on such a troublesome year.
The report concept homes in on finding strength and opportunity in adversity, positioning Moana as a Māori organisation guided by strong tikanga. As a symbol of this strength our design draws on the toki – a hand-honed tool once lashed to carved wooden shafts and wielded by powerful Māori chiefs during religious ceremonies. Today, toki are worn around the neck as a symbol of courage and strength in times of adversity.
The front cover is a graphic interpretation of toki lashings. The impression is simple, calm and confident and asks the reader to consider the meaning of the lines. The visual idea is explained through the inclusion of a portrait, depicting a determined man wearing his toki, coupled with a message of finding strength through diversity, innovation and unity.
This linear patterning continues throughout the report to keep the messaging alive. Full page portraiture brings Moana’s people and customers front and centre in an honest and personal style.
Together, Moana is resilient. Together, they are strong.