Downer New Zealand Matariki Truck
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Paul Kim, Jarrod Telford, Ngāti Porou
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Lauren Jenner, Helene Toury, Kalena Zivkovich, Gizelle Menezes, Svenja Wright -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Gael Paton, George Leidig, Neville Stokes

During 2020, Downer undertook a campaign that involved eight state-of-the-art Scania trucks.
We chose to paint the trucks black for maximum impact, and this provided a remarkable canvas to paint some special messages. These trucks have become moving billboards for our company, by showcasing artwork that tell four compelling stories about our country, our people, our partnerships, and our journey.
This initiative was a piece of bigger project to show our commitment to inclusivity and acceptance, as part of our ‘Own Different’ diversity campaign.
It was important that the artwork considered Takatāpui (gender), kaumātua elders (age and wisdom), takatāpui (sexual orientation), Ngāti Mātāmuri (minorities) and values of manakitanga (kindness), kotahitanga (unity), and whānaungatanga (reciprocal relationships). All these things that are intrinsic to inclusion and acceptance.
The first two trucks in this series, told the story of Matariki, a cluster of stars seen in the winter sky, signaling the start of the Māori New Year. We wanted to honour this celebration of the people of Aotearoa, our culture and our community that connects us to the past and present while reflecting on how we are connected, and the world around us.
In celebration of Māori Language Week 2020, Downer proudly released the first two Scanias. The vision for the artwork was to create a design that incorporated the celebration of Matariki and the importance of Te Reo Māori. We also wanted to recognise and uphold the relationship that we have with Māori as partners of the Crown through the signing The Treaty of Waitangi and that Māori are holders of the spiritual power (mana) of Aotearoa.
All these important elements had to be considered, while still being mindful of our company brand elements that needed to be incorporated.
Through a collaborative process with several partners within the company, we were delighted to receive a stunning artwork, gifted to us by an alumnus of our Te Ara Whanake initiative that blended all the requirements that we had identified.
As a whole, this beautiful artwork depicts the relentless energy of the Downer journey. It highlights the attributes of leadership, tenacity, and the steadfast determination we have, to serve our people and our communities. It reflects our commitment to kaitiakitanga to protect the environment and empower our people.
Downer has been working in Aotearoa for 150 years, and this connection of past knowledge and experiences, through to the present day is depicted through the takarangi spiral, which sits at the centre of the beautiful design. The hammerhead shark – mangopare, is a representation of abundance and vitality.
We wholeheartedly tautoko the continued revitalisation of Te Reo in Aotearoa and wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate it with the people of Aotearoa by sharing this design as the truck moves through communities doing its daily work. These two trucks are now out in the field working in the Taumarunui and Bay of Plenty regions.
Mauri tū! Mauri ora! | Kia kaha tō tātou nei reo Rangatira | Kia Kaha te Reo Māori!