Kirsty Leggett 2 DesignHer+

  • Tauira / Student
    Kirsty Leggett
  • Kaiako / Lecturers
    Don Chooi, Tammie Leong, Jocelyn Janon, Jim Murray
  • School
    Media Design School

In New Zealand, there's a noticeable gender gap in the design industry, where only 1 in 5 designers are female, despite females making up 7 out of 10 design students. This gap between academia and industry, coupled with the unique challenges women face in the workplace, sparked the creation of this passion-driven project. It envisions a world where women in design stand united, empowered, and celebrated.

Drawing from my own journey and values of diversity and inclusivity, I embarked on this project, pushing the boundaries of my design practice. Grounded by empowerment and inclusivity, it aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry, showcasing the strength of visibility and solidarity among female designers.

'DesignHer+' is a visionary brand committed to nurturing and connecting women in New Zealand's design space. At its heart lie strategies focused on networking, visibility, and empowerment. Through a two-day immersive experience, it cultivates connections, fosters creativity, and inspires participants to explore their potential in the design world.

This event isn't just about workshops and speakers; it's a transformative journey into creativity and leadership, fostering a sense of belonging and community among attendees. By offering ongoing support and online platforms, 'DesignHer+' ensures that its impact extends beyond the event itself, empowering female designers to thrive in an ever-changing creative space. Research shows the importance of supportive communities in promoting diversity, mentorship, and growth among women in design. By providing a platform for connection and support, 'DesignHer+' paves the way for career success and confidence, benefiting individuals and the industry alike.

Grounded in human-centered design principles, this project leverages research and collaboration to create impactful outcomes, including a website, strategic media presence, and engaging collateral.

As I navigate my own journey into the design industry, this project has served as a powerful reflection of my aspirations and needs as a female designer. It's not just about designing for change—it's about being part of it, shaping a future where women in design thrive and inspire.