Hannah Inez Alcoba Virtual EcoCollect (VEC)

  • Tauira / Student
    Hannah Inez Alcoba
  • Kaiako / Lecturers
    Gerbrand Van Melle, Keryn Christiansen

In response to the United Nation's Sustainable Development “Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production”, which highlights the current situation of product consumption and its consequential environmental impact, my project Virtual EcoCollect also known as VEC, presents a forward-thinking solution that addresses specifically on the environmental impact of traditional
collectible merchandise. At its core, VEC aims to offer collectors with a more sustainable and eco-conscious alternative when collecting physical collectibles.

Motivated by the need for environmentally friendly practices, VEC seeks to mitigate the environmental footprint such as the production and consumption of collectible merchandise. By leveraging digital technology and innovative approaches, I have developed a platform that not only facilitates collecting but also promotes environmental consciousness among collectors. My approach involves creating a sustainable awareness marketing campaign, with their own engaging and user-friendly website and accompanying app for collecting digital items. Through these platforms, collectors are not only able to discover, buy, trade and share their collections but also engage with the campaign’s educational content on sustainability and environmental conservation. One notable feature of VEC is its integration of Augmented Reality Technology (AR). It provides collectors with an immersive and interactive collecting experience while minimizing the use of physical resources. Unlike traditional Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) that rely on blockchain technology and is known to contribute to negative environmental impacts, VEC prioritises environmental sustainability. While Virtual EcoCollect’s (VEC) contributions may be modest, I think it would impact the environmental benefits by reducing the demand for physical collectibles, thus lowering material waste and carbon emissions. Not only would it reach a broader audience through greater accessibility and scalability, but the platform would also foster a culture of sustainability by educating users on sustainable practices, promoting responsible consumption, and demonstrating the potential of innovative technologies like AR in mitigating environmental impacts. For future improvements, I envision further extending the loyalty to the campaign’s values. This involves taking care of the carbon emissions produced by the Virtual EcoCollect website and app. This can be done through carbon-neutral platform, powered by a green energy provider. While it may not eliminate
emissions from devices, it's a step towards their eco-conscious values.

In summary, Virtual EcoCollect is leading the way in changing how we collect things to be more eco-friendly. With this new approach, I aim to help collectors make green choices and create a better planet for the future.