Sophia Maniquis Apo

  • Tauira / Student
    Sophia Maniquis
  • Kaiako / Lecturers
    Gerbrand Van Melle, Keryn Christiansen

In a world of a rapidly aging global population and modern technology, where projections estimate that by 2050, over 2 billion individuals will be aged 65 or older, it is imperative to ensure the elderly are not marginalised.

In the memoir by Gordon Mclauchlan’s, ‘Stop the Clock’ (2020), encapsulates the sense of alienation many seniors feel amidst the rapid societal changes in modern technology and the digital world.

By recognising the wealth of knowledge and experience held by the elderly, and the importance to enhance their quality of life, our project, ‘Apo’, endeavours to address the unique challenges they face in navigating the modern, digital world. ‘Apo’ seeks to bridge the digital generation gap and foster their continued meaningful engagement in society thorough thoughtful research and design.

Reflecting on this project, the question of "What do the elderly want and need?" emerged as a guiding principle. Drawing from personal conversations, a common narrative emerged of seniors setting aside their interests and hobbies as life progressed. This insight inspired ‘Apo’, to be the digital-based solution for the elderly to rekindle their long-held hobbies and leisure pursuits through modern technology, fostering vibrant communities and meaningful connections. Moreover, it aims to streamline the procurement of supplies for these activities, alleviating traditional shopping hurdles.

Rooted in Human-Centred Design (HCD) methodology, ‘Apo’ places the needs and desires of its users at the forefront. Through a sequence of four phases—clarification, ideation, development, and implementation—HCD ensures that the design solution authentically caters to the target audience.

In the hands of its users, ‘Apo’ becomes a gateway to a world of possibilities, reaffirming the value of older adults and empowering them to reclaim their sense of purpose in an increasingly digital world. Through ‘Apo’, seniors experience tangible improvements in well-being, finding solace and companionship. As a testament to the transformative power of technology, ‘Apo’ endeavours to build a more inclusive and compassionate society, enriching the lives of the elderly for generations to come.