FINE 10 Insight

  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Cameron Tidy, Charlie Murray
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Ten Two
  • Client

Insight do social media. They run accounts, ads and create content that lives at the forefront of what's ticking on all the major platforms. Social creative and performance marketing operate at two differing ends of the spectrum. One is a fun, experimental expression, peacocking for attention in the world of scroll. The other is a cold-blooded calculation that needs to remain ruthless and logic-driven to drive success for the businesses that sit behind the ads.

Our idea centered around the notion that their efficacy is intrinsically linked - your ads will underperform if the creative is half-baked, and likewise, if you don’t have the right strategy and attention to detail in your performance marketing it doesn’t matter how good the creative is, you’ll be leaving revenue on the table.

The resulting online presence utilises colour, shape, typefaces and interactive animations to balance playfulness with technical know-how.