ED. 19 The Audacious School of Astonishing Pursuits

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Elliot Schultz
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Vincent Owen, Daniel Lever, Leo Sonnekus, Sarina Mafrici, Jo McAlpine, Sophia Kochinos
  • Client
    The Audacious School of Astonishing Pursuits

For The Audacious School of Astonishing Pursuits (ASAP), we built a new online school for creatives. Halfway between an 80s infomercial and a designer’s fever dream, ASAP is a loving parody of the advertising world. While its mission is deadly serious—building an inclusive space to pass on hard-earned knowledge to the industry’s next leading creatives—the tone is delightfully silly, celebrating imperfect people who unselfconsciously go for it. Maybe that means making a website that flickers and degrades like a VHS tape. Or rendering Jason Bagley, Wieden+Kennedy veteran and self-described champion of ideas that are “intelligently stupid,” as a 3D model zooming through the atmosphere. However absurd, it’s ultimately about embracing ideas that go “too far” but are executed “just right.”