The Tuesday Club 16 Mānuka Health New Zealand Website Rebrand

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Nick Worthington, Arch MacDonnell
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
    Nick Worthington, Mikhail Gherman, Graham Ritchie
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Dave Brady, Geoff Joe
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Leads
    Nick Worthington, Eloise Jack
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Greg Forsyth, Matt Power, Matt Oak, Paul Buckton, Billy Worthington, Elizabeth Stokes, Nigel Sutton
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Graham Ritchie, Rob Linkhorn, Ching-Ting Fu, Stephanie Lueck, Studio Local, Craig P. Burrows, Al Guthrie, Toaki Okano, Lewis Mulatero, Dave Campbell, Rhys Casley, Dr. Oleksiy Losyev, Brian McCall, Dr. Kannan Subramanian, HTML Burger, Loupe Agency
  • Client
    Mānuka Health New Zealand

Honeybees see in UV. It was this revelation that provided a unique and distinctive visual language and perspective for the brand. It’s a world that is normally invisible to you and me - Flowers aren’t trying to attract you and me they are trying to attract honeybees for sexual reproduction, and to see a flower as a bee sees it is to see a flower as it is meant to be seen for the very first time.

The website is designed to tell a story.

With you as navigator.

The story of how the New Zealand Manuka tree met the European honeybee, a story that was never meant to be.

It’s a story of a complete health and wellness system, designed by bees, that also works miracles for you and me.

The web site was launched simultaneously with an exhibition at SxSW of the UV photography which was described by Forbes as “A Must See” along with the release of the photographic book “The Seduction of the Honeybee” which was described by The New York Times as “Simply Stunning”, by The UK Sunday Times as “Not just a beautiful book, but a call to arms” and Stern as “Mesmerizing and hallucinogenic”, with the book becoming a bestseller on Amazon.