Gladeye 47 OpenAVN

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
  • Client

OpenAVN are making massive leaps in the speed and intelligence of antivirus software using pattern recognition and blockchain technology to identify new malware threats as they emerge; rather than responding to them months after they’ve been out in the wild.

We worked to uncover OpenAVN's brand values and craft a brand identity and website that would excite but also reassure both consumer and enterprise customers.

Our first step was to gain a deep understanding of OpenAVN and their market. Through stakeholder interviews and desktop research we dove into cybersecurity and blockchain; analysing their reason for being, business strategy, underlying technology, and their audience’s pain points and desires – and how those needs were unmet by competitors.

In collaborative workshops we surfaced points of difference and core values; the stories to power the meaning and emotion behind the brand. For the brand identity we drew inspiration from patterns and complexity in nature. Their interwoven strength reflects both OpenAVN’s community network and the resilient blockchain that underpins it.

Antivirus websites are crowded with generic visuals – stock photography, bright red shields, and bug shapes. They blend into an undifferentiated design morass and we wanted to stand out, while also preserving the feel of a tech product that would appeal to technical consumers who love being on the cutting edge.

We needed to find a great balance between introducing the master brand of OpenAVN at the same time as debuting their initial products, Brightscan and Torus – so we designed each product section within the site to have a unique feeling while living harmoniously within the whole. Over time we expect their offering to continue to grow and encompass more products.

The site is built on CraftCMS, an API-driven CMS which provides a great experience for both developers and content editors. Employing a modular design system, the site is flexible and updatable by non-designers while maintaining a consistent look and feel which ensures quality.

Interactive touches are employed throughout the site to more deeply engage visitors with the brand – the WebGL homepage experience shows endpoint threats around the world being identified and instantly contained, while an SVG animated background pattern takes the brand’s logo shapes and sends “data” through it in animated bursts.

OpenAVN has a powerful vision to be the global storehouse of knowledge for all products combating malware; having already amassed over 300 terabytes of virus definitions from the early 1980s to seconds ago.