Paloma 4 Universal Favourite 35 WHEN
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Bella Hemming -
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
Sebastian Cox
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Rob Dennis, Lee Corleison
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Member
Sabrina Turner -
Kaitautoko / Contributor
Harry Luxton -
Maz Coote

WHEN Fertility is a MedTech company that provides point-of-care testing supported with expert advice. The first offering in a suite of fertility care is an at-home egg count test which allows anyone with ovaries to test their AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone) levels to provide a clear view of their egg count. WHEN is on a mission to make sure that no-one with ovaries is ever left wondering about their fertility. WHEN is leading the way in revolutionising the point-of-care industry.
Australian women are conceiving children later in life than ever before. Last year, for the first time ever there were more births amongst women aged 30-34 years than those aged 25-29 years. WHEN Fertility was created to help more people start the fertility conversation sooner so they have more options later. The company was founded by husband and wife duo Maz Coote and Brett Barnes after experiencing their own fertility struggles. They built WHEN to support Australians to be more proactive and better navigate their reproductive and fertility journeys.
In life we are often taught to be proactive in our finances, careers and in some areas of our health - like getting our pap smears and mammograms, but fertility is still treated like a black box. WHEN was created to ensure that everyone can have easy access to valuable knowledge about their own body — whether you want to have kids, don’t want kids, already have kids or are unsure — having better information about your fertility can really help in family planning and creating the life you want to lead.
The journey of testing your fertility is a process that for some can be an incredibly stressful some. The user journey we created needed to accommodate for a couple of high gravity moments for the end user and capture a significant swath of information that would be used by the laboratory and nursing team in final testing. The first important challenge was creating the digital experience to supplement the collection process, with the user needing to activate their kit and progress through the digital journey at the same time as collecting their blood sample. The second being the time of receiving results. We had to design the pathway so that users who have out of range results can easily interpret them and know clearly their next steps, whether that be consuming educational videos or booking an appointment.
Alongside us, WHEN partnered with branding agency Universal Favourite to deliver the physical packaging design as well as brand concepts and look & feel. The final brand is a step away from the sterile medical brands typically on display in the MedTech space. The approach was influenced heavily by lifestyle products and publications, drawing on bold colours and moody, diverse imagery. We used these concepts to weave the brand and tone of voice throughout the digital experience.