Paloma 4 ChemCloud

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Lee Corleison
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    Bella Hemming
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Rob Dennis, Eze Depetris, Rory O'Conner, Harry Luxton
  • Client
    Hector Williamson

Despite driving innovation across every market, the chemical industry has maintained outdated ways of working for decades. In this modern industry, the majority of procurement is still done manually. Hours are spent sifting through emails, chasing deliveries, juggling phone calls, and managing orders and quotes in paper form.

As a result, chemical buyers and suppliers often waste time on administrative tasks instead of focusing on innovation. A new wave of chemical engineering is unearthing a myriad of sustainable technologies that contribute towards achieving a Net Zero future. However, many buyers are preoccupied with sourcing inputs from their existing suppliers instead of seeking out new suppliers with sustainable alternatives.

The approach

With the founders of ChemCloud, we set out to create a digital procurement marketplace that automates your workflow and streamlines the procurement process.

We took a pragmatic and iterative approach to design and build this platform from the ground up. Customer interviews played a big part in validating features, with constant sense-checking with users on the functionality they would like to see and use on the platform.

Our design focus centred around creating an intuitive interface that made sense to the ChemCloud customer, who is accustomed to using emails and spreadsheets to run their business. The product was designed with simplicity and ease in mind, catering for the nuances that arise with procurement processes.

In addition to designing the product, we created a captivating visual identity and marketing website that sets ChemCloud apart in the industry. We took great care in crafting a brand that captures the essence of our product's sleek and contemporary interface. By incorporating subtle visual elements such as gradients and illustrations, we enhance the overall aesthetics while ensuring usability remains at the forefront of our focus. The visual identity of ChemCloud effortlessly bridges the gap between being a pioneering force in the tech industry and creating an inviting atmosphere for the average customer.

The outcome

To this day, ChemCloud is continuously improving and evolving – it’s now a fully-fledged platform that now services 100+ requests per month. Buyers can manage all procurement in a central place, compare quotes from different suppliers, then check out, pay and track orders online. Suppliers can create 1-click quotes, enjoy streamlined payments and have delivery taken care of.

With this streamlined procurement process, ChemCloud customers can now spend less time on the admin of running their business, and more time focusing on innovation that will power a more sustainable future.