Daylight 20 The World Health Organization - The Delivery
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Charlie Godinet -
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
Kristen Morris, Lee Lowndes, Claire Choe
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Billy Baxter, Renee Jacobi -
Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Leads
Scott Moyes, Annabel Hawkins
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Tyla Rose, Ezra Whittaker, Lauren Stewart, Gustavo Bezerra, Antalya Atkinson, Kyle Hickey, Milo Palmer, Todd Wright, Luke Chiaroni-Clarke -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Vanessa Manhire, Letitia Mackenzie, Tanya Curnow, Andrea Lo Vetere, Raph Roake, Timo Franz, Adrian Lawrence, Conlan Normington, Harry Warne, Justin Fels, Matt Hopkins, Annie Ngo, Jade Paynter -
The World Health Organization

On May 5th 2023, COVID-19 was officially declared over as a global health emergency. We witnessed the fastest development of vaccines in human history, including the monumental effort to make them available to everyone on the planet.
Throughout the worldwide vaccine rollout, incredible data sets were gathered and new protocols were developed. Our challenge was to share these invaluable learnings, making them easily accessible for future generations should they face another global health threat. is a digital time capsule, containing the official findings from the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. It is modelled on the very cold boxes used to carry life-saving vaccines to all corners of the earth.
It takes us up mountains, across deserts, and through rivers, uncovering incredible human stories from the front line.
In a historic partnership between CEPI, Gavi, UNICEF and the World Health Organization, this website contains precious data from hundreds of thousands of health professionals. Its purpose is to help progress health systems around the world.
This immense body of work was supported by a campaign to the global health and science community, leveraging the mass reach channels of these major organisations. This included a launch film for leaders to share, alongside suites of social assets, and eDM. We also partnered with Project Syndicate to seed the stories and findings from the website in media around the world - spreading this campaign even further.
Many creative disciplines were woven together to build this website, including detailed 3D animation, technical illustration, data visualisation, film, and photography from a network of photojournalists. They all working together to capture the gravity of the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
Right from the landing experience, The Delivery takes us on an extraordinary journey, inspired by vaccine voyages to the world's most remote locations. To bring this to life, we developed a robust design system that incorporates an earthy colour palette, intuitive UI elements that lead the user through the data-led stories, and elegant typography that will stand the test of time.
Our goal was to make this precious information more accessible at every touchpoint. To execute this, we worked alongside data analysts to elegantly distill the findings into interactive graphs and figures. Many of them integrated into the photographic documentation of the corresponding vaccine mission.
Preserving this data for future generations is truly invaluable. This vital information will prepare health systems to better respond to global pandemics. But most importantly, these findings have the power to save lives.
We’ve already seen The Delivery's monumental reach and how the information within is spreading to all corners of the world. At launch, it reached 30.7 million people within the global health and science community across 176 counties—those with the collective power to safeguard our future.
Judge's comments:
Exceptional craft, typography and execution. Love the idea of a time capsule — to preserve what is happening now to inform those to come. An intriguing approach to engage an audience that isn't accessible through social channels, without compromising the result.