Moving Image
Otago Polytechnic Te Pukenga Dunedin Midwinter Carnival animation
Te Kapa Tauira / Student Team
Midwinter Carnival animation team -
Kaiako / Lecturers
Jon Wilson, Quinn Berentson
Paul Smith -
Otago Polytechnic Te Pukenga

The Dunedin Midwinter Carnival transforms the heart of the city each year, celebrating the turning point from the longest night to the shortest day. A recent addition to this cherished tradition has been projection mapped motion graphics onto the building where the carnival is set, (which in 2023 was the First Church and Burns Hall buildings) transforming the grounds
into a canvas of enchantment.
As a part of a Design Studio Major paper, our team was put together to create the 2023 projection from conception to completion.
The 12 week process began with the concept development. The carnival is most commonly known for the display of whimsical, life sized lantern art of bugs, animals, ocean creatures and fairy tale characters. To enhance the ‘enchanting’ nature of the carnival we developed a story around the concept of ‘Enchanted Forrest’ which became the naming theme of the
overall event. We would develop a 10-minute animation loop taking viewers on a transcendent journey through enchanted forests as we’ve never seen before.
Starting from the vast expanse of space, the narrative unfolds through an enchanted forest before plunging into the depths of the sea. This immersive experience invites spectators to explore realms both magical and profound.
To produce the visuals we took a mixed media approach, developing a majority of assets with water colour paint, then animating digitally to further enhance the enchanting storybook feeling. Other techniques involved included live action macro footage and manual rotoscoping. An accompanying sound scape was also crafted to immerse viewers into the