Richards Partners 2 RCP – Shape • Organise • Deliver
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
Brian Richards, Kyle Ranudo
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Caroline Konarkowska
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Tommy Chin, Mark Evans, Ro Chen, Vijay Patel -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
René Pasche, Taylor Whelan -

We began by affirming RCP's brand purpose—to "shape, organise, and deliver a better world." This became the basis for how they re-presented their services to the market, and the core of what their visual identity was built on.
The strategy also highlighted the need to feature RCP's people, encouraging them to; share their thinking as thought leaders, speak to the profound outcomes of their practical work, and own their individual specialties.
Taking inspiration from the built environment and the people who help shape, organise, and deliver it, RCP's new identity builds on its well-recognised red diamond and supports it with a family of uniquely-ownable graphics and a timeless primary palette.