Milk 68 The Botanic
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Sarah Melrose
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Anthony Hos
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Ben Reid, Eden Harris, Natasha Vermuelen, Gemma Scott, Dean Kriletich, Adeline Chua -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Michael Crampin, Kate Phillips, Gareth Lockett, Kieran Scott, Josef D Scott, Tom Crampin, Anushka Harrison -
The Botanic Partnership Limited

Witness the extraordinary dichotomy playing out around the world right now; an increasingly physically ageing population, but at the same time, one that’s living longer, fuller, more enriched lives. “Boomers” - you know them; younger in spirit, digitally aware, connected, happiness & wellness seekers who are collectively rebranding old age.
Because no Boomer (or anyone else we know of) ever walked into a retirement village and said “man, I’m looking forward to getting old”, intelligent developers Matvin Group asked us the question: What could a relevant future for living in the third age look like? We found our answers in one of the oldest lessons known; Nature. Specifically, Biophilia - harnessing the power of plants in a more universal way to support every level of human well being. Physical. Visual. Spatial. Spiritual - a 360degree model to inform greener principles across every moment of brand immersion, with the WELL Building Standard* at its foundation.
Why? Extensive research told us that while technology is an accessible and important facilitator for functional social/medical purposes, people of all ages are becoming increasingly distant from the natural world. We spend more time indoors. We garden less. We selectively partake in nature, but we are seldom immersed in it. The search for a more relevant and soulful way of living led us down a particular garden path...
Introducing then, The Botanic.
We started by naming the village, then developed a calming palette of quiet minimalism, evocative of wellness retreats and boutique hotels. Desirable. Elemental. Natural. Essential, and at times just playfully decorative. A living, breathing and evolving design system nourishes every interaction with the brand - architecture and interiors, uniforms, collaterals and ultimately - the food on the plate. Modern and contextual, not earthy and folksy. All design application is informed by nature and it’s light-play. There is no greenwashing here - it’s biomimicry treated with respect as all brand actions are rigorously held to account in their adherence to sustainable principles. Nature would be flattered.
The Botanic represents a life less ordinary, and finally one for boomers to look forward to.
*The WELL Building Standard is an international framework that explores how the places where we live, work, learn and play can be optimised to advance human health and wellbeing. It covers seven core concepts of health - Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort, Mind.